The Beckster

Filed on Sunday, August 29, 2010 under: ,

Ya know, I like Glenn Beck. I agree with probably 90% of what he says, but increasingly, the guy just gets on my nerves. He didn't used to, though. The show he used to have on HLN was absolutely wonderful. Every night he'd have interesting guests and discussions -- some of which were downright esoteric. It was a very intellectual, yet funny (at times) program. Then he got his current program on Fox News and the theatrics and schoolgirl blubbering started. Now, instead of an intellectual conservative, he sounds like a Tony Robbins-esque motivational speaker most of the time. It's very annoying. While I used to look forward to seeing his HLN show every single night, I only tune in to his Fox News show 2 or 3 times a week, if at all. That's all I can STAND to tune in to it. I swear the man's head is going to explode while he's standing in front of those blackboards one day. And don't even get me started on his heathen Mormonism.

So, to sum up:

Glenn Beck: wonderful message; lousy delivery. Go back to your old ways, Glenn!

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